Theory and Exam on the Same Day

This intensive Exam Oriented Training is included with all our theory courses.

Some of us wants to do the theory and exam on the same day. This way the theory is still fresh in your head en easy to reproduce during the exam. With all our courses you can join the CBR warm-up at 9AM by Zoom.

Book your one-day course in a classroomBook your online course

Enroll CBR Warm-up session:

During this 3 hours intensive exam training we focus on practising with exam questions. These questions are the most common and important at the official CBR Exam! We end at 12AM. Then go to CBR and Pass for Sure!

You can join the Exam Training after you booked a theory course.

Did you book a course already?
Then enroll here for the warm-up session.


How to do the theory and exam on the same day?

1) Book the Theory Exam at CBR

Choose an exam on a the same day as the warm-up training. See calendar at the bottom of this page.


2) Book the one-day course

During the one-day theory course (on Saterday or Sunday) we explain everything you need to know.

3) Book the Exam Oriented Training

Go to this page and enroll for the exam training session.

Calendar Exam Training (warm-up for CBR Exam)

Monday 29 July at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 05 Aug at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 12 Aug at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 19 Aug at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 26 Aug at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 02 Sept at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 09 Sept at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 16 Sept at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 23 Sept at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)
Monday 30 Sept at 09.00 Live Exam Training (warm-up for exam)


Specialist in Exam Oriented Theory Courses

It’s Monday morning 9 AM. It’s the day of the CBR theory exam. Last weekend you joined a one-day course, so your head is filled with the theory. Now it’s time to reproduce everything you learned.

Together we run through exam questions. These questions are the most common in the exam and, therefore, the most important to know. In 3 hours, we repeat and practise. We put the dots on the i.

With this Exam oriented warm-up session, you will Pass for Sure!

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